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Irrigation System Winterization

Prepare your lawn for the cold by winterizing your irrigation systems. Prevent damage from frozen water to your above-ground system components like sprinkler heads, valves, pipes and pumps.

When Do You Winterize Your Lawn?

It’s best to start winterizing your irrigation system before the first frost. In North Carolina, the first frost can happen anywhere between October and December depending on your region.

Barefoot Winterization Packages

Barefoot Lawn Care offers winterization packages to fully prepare your lawn for the colder months. Contact one of our experts to learn more about what we can do for your irrigation system.

Our Process

To winterize your irrigation system, our team will turn off the water supply to the backflow preventer and drain it. After all of the water has been drained, we’ll shut off your controller.

Please note that we do not blow out irrigation systems with air, as this process can cause damage to your system.

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