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Gardening Zones

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What Gardening Zone Am I In? A Complete Guide to Hardiness Zones

Gardening zones, also known as planting zones or hardiness zones, break down cold temperature trends across the country. Let’s dive into what your gardening zone means and how Barefoot Lawn Care tailors our services to support your lawn.

What Are Gardening Zones?

Gardening zones are numbered classifications that indicate how cold winters typically get in a location, using over 30 years of climate data (last updated in 2023). They are mainly based on minimum winter temperatures and frost dates, along with elevation and proximity to large bodies of water.

WHY THEY’RE IMPORTANT: Understanding your zone can help you choose grass types and plants that will thrive in your yard.

USDA Hardiness Zone Map

As the industry standard, the USDA Hardiness Zone Map divides the U.S. into 13 zones. Each one is separated by 10-degree temperature increments, ranging from light purple (coldest) to dark red (warmest). Let’s take a closer look at the zones in North Carolina and South Carolina specifically.

How to Use the Hardiness Zone Maps for the Carolinas

Both North and South Carolina are considered “warm zones,” but many variations happen within this range. That’s why, at the state level, zones are further divided into ‘a’ and ‘b’ subzones by 5-degree increments.

Barefoot Lawn Care supports all types of lawn care services in the Raleigh and Wilmington areas (including Little River, SC and North Myrtle Beach, SC).

North Carolina Hardiness Zone Map

North Carolina’s plant hardiness zones range from 6a to 9a.

The northwestern part of the state experiences the coldest average extreme winter lows, reaching as low as -10°F, while the southeast rarely sees temperatures drop below 20°F.

South Carolina Hardiness Zone Map

South Carolina’s plant hardiness zones range from 7b to 9b.

The northwestern part of the state experiences the coolest average extreme winter lows, reaching around 5°F, while the coastal and southern parts rarely see temperatures drop below 25°F.

Of course, anomalies like harsher or milder seasons can occur anywhere and any time. Barefoot Lawn Care is here to guide you on the best actions to take for your yard year-round.

What Grass and Plants Grow Best in My Zone?

Choosing the right grass and plants in the Carolinas reduces risk and encourages healthy growth. Here’s what works best for our specific zones:

Zones 6-8

Grasses like tall fescue and zoysia (though technically a warm-season grass) can adapt well to both the warm and cool conditions found in these zones.

Many perennial plants, like lavender and hydrangeas, also thrive here. However, colder Zone 6 areas may struggle with tropical plants like orchids and hibiscus.

Zone 9

Warm-season grasses like Bermuda, St. Augustine and centipede thrive in these areas, which typically have hotter summers and milder winters.

For plants, drought-tolerant options like palms and bougainvillea can handle the heat best while maintaining soil moisture.

Need help understanding your grass or choosing plants that will grow? Talk with our experts to learn what’s best for your yard.

Understanding Hardiness vs. Heat Zones

Hardiness zones focus on cold winter temperatures, while heat zones are used to understand tolerance to summer temperatures. Though there’s generally some overlap (e.g., a plant in Zone 1 for hardiness will likely also be in a low heat zone), each system highlights different growing challenges, making them valuable together.

Get The Best Results with Barefoot Lawn Care

Knowing your zone is just the start of having a strong lawn and garden. With Barefoot Lawn Care’s expert services, you help ensure your yard is set up for long-term vibrancy and growth.

Request your free lawn estimate today to discover all the benefits we can offer.

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