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What Causes Yellow Spots on Your Lawn

The most frustrating thing for lawn enthusiasts is grass that isn’t vibrant and lush. Yellow patches scattered throughout your lawn are tough to diagnose but not unmanageable. Take back control of your lawn with our guide on yellowing grass!

Why Does Grass Turn Yellow?

There are a number of reasons why your grass turns yellow, which is why it’s essential to conduct a soil test. Soil tests provide information about your soil’s pH, macro and micronutrient levels, as well as soil texture and organic matter presence.

Overwatering or Underwatering

Just like an overwatered houseplant, yellow grass can be a sign of an inadequate water supply. Too much water will saturate the soil, diluting available nutrients and overloading your grass. Thirsty grass will conserve energy, limiting its growth and green color.

Heat Stress

When combined with little rainfall or irrigation, full-sun exposure creates excess stress for your lawn. Grass exposed to heat stress may appear patchy or irregular-shaped areas. Your lawn is especially prone to heat stress in prolonged periods of drought or in dry climates.

Excess Nitrogren

Adding nitrogen to your soil encourages green, leafy growth. Excess nitrogen in the soil can cause nitrogen burn. While nitrogen burns are tedious to take care of, slowly flushing the area with water will help to recuperate the grass.

Nutrient Deficiency

All living things need nutrients to carry out essential functions. Without these nutrients, your lawn’s growth may be stunted, less vibrant or patchy. That’s why fertilizing your lawn correctly is critical for its continued success throughout the seasons. Most grass fertilizers include varying levels of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium. Remember to use fertilizer as directed for your grass type.


If you’re treating your lawn correctly but still see signs of yellowing, look for damaged grass blades. Some pests eat away at your lawn’s roots, resulting in yellow patches that eventually turn brown. It’s best to consult a lawn care professional to assess your lawn and identify the best solution to get rid of any pests.


Diseases are another potential reason why your lawn can turn yellow. Fungi are typically the culprit, but bacteria and viruses won’t shy away from wreaking havoc on your lawn. Some grass types are more susceptible to certain diseases than others, so be sure to adequately research your lawn’s composition and best practices to prevent disease.

Is Yellow Grass Considered Dead?

Yellow grass usually isn’t dead but will need TLC to recover. Once you’ve identified the reason why your grass is yellow, partnering with a trusted lawn maintenance company will help to revive it. If your lawn is experiencing a widespread yellowish color, it likely means that the grass is dormant and will recover once the weather conditions are favorable.

What if the Grass Tips Are Yellow?

Yellowing grass doesn’t have to affect the entire blade, sometimes the tip will be the only sign your grass isn’t performing at its best. Dull mower blades can also be the cause of yellow grass tips, as they aren’t sharp enough to produce a clean cut.

Restoring Yellow Grass

Depending on your lawn’s needs, a restorative treatment plan will vary. Most lawn maintenance companies offer fertilization, pest and disease control and herbicide applications in their plans. It’s best to consult a professional to prevent further damage to your lawn.

Maximize Your Lawn’s Potential with Barefoot Lawn Care

Our technicians at Barefoot Lawn Care are committed to helping you achieve the lawn of your dreams. Contact us to schedule your free lawn analysis today and explore our range of services.

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