How to Mow Tall Fescue Grass the Right Way
Believe it or not, there is a right way to mow your lawn. Mowing it properly is one of the easiest ways to promote a healthy lawn.
If you have tall fescue and you’re wondering how high to mow it, you’re in the right place. We’re going to break down how high to cut tall fescue grass and why it’s important to mow it at the right height.

How Tall is Tall Fescue?
Tall fescue is typically between 3.5-4 inches tall. To measure your grass, simply place a ruler in your lawn and measure from the soil to the tip of the blade.
Tall fescue is a resilient, low maintenance grass. It can withstand drought conditions and needs fertilizer infrequently. For these reasons, it’s the most widely-grown cool-season grass in North Carolina. Still, it’s important to mow it to the proper height.
How High Should You Mow Tall Fescue?
Overall, the ideal tall fescue mowing height is 3 – 3.5 inches. This is a safe length to mow your tall fescue any time of the year. Most lawnmowers do not mow higher than 3.5 inches, so keeping your mower deck to the highest setting will ensure your tall fescue is always at a healthy height.
North Carolina State University’s TurfFiles has developed these guidelines for more precise mowing year round:
- From March-May, mow your tall fescue lawn to 2.5 – 3.5 inches. Do not let the grass get so tall that mowing it would remove more than ⅓ of the height. This may mean mowing your lawn as often as once a week.
- From June-August, mow your lawn to 3.5 inches. Do not allow your grass to get taller than 5 inches.
- From September to November, mow your lawn to 2.5 – 3 inches.
- From December to February, mow your tall fescue lawn to 3 inches.
When to Mow New Fescue
When should you cut new fescue grass? After sodding or seeding, wait until your tall fescue is approximately 4.5 inches tall before mowing. Cut it to 3.5 inches at the lowest. Taking off too much at one time will harm the grass, especially if it is new.
Before mowing new fescue, make sure your lawnmower blades are either new or freshly sharpened. Dull mower blades can tear grass, which can be especially damaging to new turf.
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