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Everything You Need to Know about TifTuf Bermuda

What is TifTuf Bermuda?

TifTuf Bermuda is a drought-tolerant Bermudagrass that maintains its quality throughout the year. Its resiliency, brilliant color and high density make TifTuf the perfect choice for both residential and commercial applications. Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out how Tiftuf Bermuda can transform your lawn.

How is TifTuf Different from Other Bermudagrasses?

Despite their popularity, other Bermudagrasses have limitations. TifTuf Bermuda can withstand regular wear and tear year-round–even during tough weather conditions. Its short recovery periods are favorable for large athletic fields, recreational areas and residential lawns.

Increased Drought Tolerance

Other warm-season grasses will go dormant during a period of drought, preventing further growth. Its established root system allows TifTuf to maintain its density and color during long periods of drought.

Improved Color and Density

TifTuf Bermuda is fine-textured with a bright green color. As an added bonus, TifTuf’s leaf blades stand upright, giving your lawn a lush appearance.

Why Should I Switch to TifTuf Bermuda?

Compared to other Bermudagrasses, TifTuf Bermuda brings a new standard to the table. Outperforming in virtually every category, TifTuf Bermuda is the key to unlocking your lawn’s full potential.

Saves You Money

TifTuf Bermuda needs 38% less water than Tifway 419–deemed as the industry standard for Bermudagrass. Using less water is better for the environment and your wallet, especially during dry periods.

How is TifTuf Bermuda Maintained?

Barefoot Lawn Care can install and provide maintenance services for TifTuf Bermudagrass. Based on your soil, our team of seasoned experts can make recommendations for your TifTuf lawn.

See the Difference with Barefoot Lawn Care

Looking to explore maintenance options for your TifTuf lawn? Barefoot Lawn Care provides comprehensive plans for all your lawn care needs. Contact us today to learn more about our free lawn analysis.

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